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the Polarization Beam Combiner & Splitter is a device with compact size , which combines two orthogonal polarization signals into one output fiber. PBC/PBS is commonly applied to combining the reflected light of fiber laser with fixed phase difference to one fiber ,to receive the interferometric fringe in Fiber Optics Current Transducer(Foct), Gyro, Raman Amplifier,with high extinction ratio. PBC/PBS can also be used as a PM splitter.

尊龙凯时专业研爆发产PBC/S,工业级PBC/S,是一个专业的PBC/S厂家,有很好的PBC/S价格 。尊龙凯时专业研爆发产的PBC/S广泛应用于航天、航空、电力、铁路、医疗、交通、通信、等各大领域 。

1x2 Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter, PBC/S

1x2 Polarization Beam Combiner/Splitter, PBC/S

the Polarization Beam Combiner & Splitter is a device with compact size , which combines two orthogonal polarization signals into one output fiber. PBC/PBS is commonly applied to combining the reflected light of fiber laser with fixed phase difference to one fiber ,to receive the interferometric fringe in Fiber Optics Current Transducer(Foct), Gyro, Raman Amplifier,with high extinction ratio. PBC/PBS can also be used as a PM splitter.


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